dimecres, 27 de novembre del 2019

Let's explore the world: different countries

Resultat d'imatges de the world

Choose one country to write about in your blog and present it to the rest of the class using a powerpoint. You can look for information on the internet and include the following information:

  • Geography: What is the capital? What are some major cities? How big is your country ? You may want to include a map - find one online.
  • Climate: What climates does the area have? Is the weather hot and mild (like Hawai), is there an extreme climate or something else?
  • Population: Give the latest population. What do the people of the country do for a living (what are the major industries and agricultural products)?
  • Languages.
  • Symbols: Describe the symbols selected to represent it. Write about the flag -- include what it looks like, when it was adopted.  Are there any other symbols?
  • Customs & traditions. Music, traditional clothes, holidays, lifestyle...
  • Something Special: What is special about your country? What does it have that other countries do not have? For example, list National Parks, National Monuments, historic battlefields, important places, or historic events that happened in the country you chose.

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